The Pet Protection Agreement® pet trust, legal in all 50 states, protects animals when the owner is unable to care of them. 


Mike Arms, President of the Helen Woodward Animal Center says: “For  many years we have offered the Pet Protection Agreement® pet trust and it has been wildly popular since day one. We’ve had a lot of success with it. Adopters love it because it means the animal will never have to be rescued again, and we love it. We suggest your shelter give it a try too.”

Offering the Agreement to adopters can also provide future funding to the shelter itself (beyond a sales profit-margin). When adopters fill in the Agreement  most set aside a sum of money to care for their pets   in case of the pet owner's illness or death. Should the pets not use that entire sum in their lifetime the balance can be left to the shelter. In fact, the Pet Protection Agreement reflects this suggestion.



Donate to your favorite animal center

Donate the Pet Protection Agreement® pet trust to your favorite animal center and help protect adopted animals when the owner cannot care for them. 

Give them a life of safety. 
Promise, they'll never go back to a shelter!©